Travel Information


Information and advice for travelling abroad

Travel Vaccination

If you require any vaccinations relating to foreign travel, please complete our online travel form.

The increase in worldwide travel has increased the risks of illness and disease. Travellers are at risk of having problems with their existing diseases as well as catching new and exotic diseases whilst abroad.

Please note that NHS cover does not extend beyond the shores of the UK and therefore medication required for a prolonged stay abroad will have to be purchased privately. Although some immunisations are available under the NHS, most have to be purchased privately and the appropriate fee will be charged by the practice.

Our practice nurses are trained in giving travel health advice as well as arranging and giving travel immunisations. If you are planning to travel abroad you may find it helpful to consult a reputable travel health site on the web such as Fit For Travel and the National Centre for Infectious Diseases website. It is advisable to book your travel health appointment with our nurses approximately three months in advance of your proposed holiday date, to allow time for vaccination planning and for it to be effective.

Some vaccinations and medication required for a travel purposes will have to be purchased privately. You will be required to have a phone call from one of the travel nurses before you attend the practice nurse. They will go through details of your travel and any requirements you may have. You will then be required to make an appointment to see the practice nurse for any vaccinations. At this consultation the nurse will go through your travel health form and prepare any prescriptions/treatments that you my require.

Finally, remember that if you take ill on your return it is important to tell the doctor where you have been and give details of your immunisations as this may be important in assessing your health. Also note that malaria medication must be taken for some time on returning home to prevent illness.

For further details contact the practice nurses for an appointment.

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